can provide you with a qualified registered agent for your corporation or LLC. provides top-shelf registered agent/resident agent services for all 50 US States and the District of Columbia (DC), Puero Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Most states require corporations or LLCs to maintain a registered agent. A registered agent (also known as a “resident agent”, “statutory agent” or “agent of process”) is a person who typically must be available during business hours to be your recipient of any legal or government documents or processes that need to be conveyed to you., through our partnership with one of the "Big 4" registered agent and compliance services companies, can offer you the highest quality services at "industry low" pricing while still giving you FREE online compliance features that extremely more expensive competitors charge you extra for. Your service includes access to EntityWatch®, a state-of-the-art information system that allows you to access completely up-to-the-minute reports on all of your corporate entities. Your current registered agent information as well as your corporate officers and directors and your filing statuses can be easily monitored to help you protect yourself against corporate identity theft.
Simply select your state from the "Choose a State for Registered Agent" dropdown menu and begin your simply and fast order process. We accept all major credit cards and within a few minutes you will receive by email your new registered agent information. By applying for agents in multiple states or for multiple years of service, you will receive a discount.
We at look forward to helping you establish (or change) your Registered Agent service!
ALL CORPORATIONS AND LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES (LLCs) must choose a person or entity to act as their registered agent. There are few restrictions regarding who can be a registered agent other than that the person or entity must be located and available at a physical street address within the state during normal business hours.
It is important that you select a reliable company when choosing your registered agent!
A Registered Agent (sometimes called a "Resident Agent" or "Statutory Agent") is a person or entity, designated in the articles of incorporation / organization, who can accept legal documents and notifications from a state office on behalf of a corporate entity. Though it is OK for you to be your own registered agent, there are a lot of good reasons to choose a professional instead. Your registered agent needs to be available during normal business hours in order to accept legal documents such as services of process (lawsuits), tax information, and judgments regarding your business.
A business without a designated registered agent could fall out of "Good Standing" within the state of registration.